Monday, January 11, 2016

What Are You Doing? Part 2 {What Am I Doing with My Life?}

What am I doing with my life?

As I was nearing graduation in 2012, I was wondering what exactly God wanted me to do and I started praying that He would show me what direction I should go in. I reeeeally didn't want to go to college - cause school and I aren't exactly 'besties'. You're talking about the girl who cried through every. single. math. lesson. In first grade. Ok, I'm kidding... that was actually high school. 

Anyways, I was really interested in photography and for my graduation present from my parents, I got a DSLR camera! I took that up and by word of mouth, I have done several photo sessions over the past few years - including two of my friend's weddings. The Lord also allowed me to design a few missionary's prayer cards. 

We have a couple in our church that are missionaries to the prisons/jails/detention centers here in SC and not long after I graduated, the wife started asking me to go into the ladies' prisons with her sometime. Aaaaah, no thanks! I'm crazy - but not that crazy!! Well... not long after that, I decided to go in once and see what it was like. 

 The Lord really burdened my heart. I'll never forget seeing one girl sitting on the front row during a ladies' retreat we hosted in one of the prisons - she was close to my age. What was she doing in prison so young? Lives ruined by sin... God has been so good to me. He burdened my heart to go back and share with them that hope that I have. For the past 2 1/2 years, I've had the privilege to share Jesus with those who made bad choices - I could easily be in that same place. We have Bible studies, visitation, church services, ladies' retreats, and more.

I'm so thankful I have the privilege of sharing the Gospel. And not just in prisons! People need the Lord everywhere you turn - the grocery store, gas station, DMV... Opportunities are endless and time is short.

Another way I've been keeping busy is through music. I've had the dream of being pianist in a church for a long while... Love being able to praise Him through song! The Lord gave me the desire of my heart by allowing me to play for my church as the pianist... It's an honor to be able to point others to Him through music.

Those are some of the ways God has kept me busy the past few years. 
There's no greater joy on this earth than to serve the One who created it.
I couldn't be happier with where God's placed me!

I Timothy 1:12

"And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry;"

some text

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