Friday, January 1, 2016

What's Your Mind Focused On?

As I sit here and think back on my life, I can't help but see the goodness and mercy of God in every memory. He's such a good God to me. He's nothing BUT good. Often we as humans fail Him, and we easily get distracted on things that should just b
e given to Him. From little things like that new purse we see and we reaaally want - to the "big" things, like that godly guy with an amazing sense of humor you're hoping will walk in the back door of your church so you can meet him... And hopefully aaaaany day now! ok, I'm kidding! ;)

My dream from when I was about 14 years old was to hurry up and graduate high school, get married at 18, and to be an amazing house wife and mom (ha!). At the time, I even had the guy picked out... Buuuuut I'm now 21, single, and I honestly could not be happier with where God has me! My life is busy, I'm in God's will, and I've learned a few things the past few years (still have so much more to learn!) and I'd love to share with you what God has helped me with.

First off, I'm like any of you ladies. There are some days I'm dyyyyying to be married! This chicka is only human! Haha, Remember the new purse I mentioned above?! I saw a purse in Charming Charlie's several months ago that I've really wanted. I had my current one for a year and it wasn't as spiffy as it used to be! Girl can't be looking shabby, now! ;)

Well, deep down I wanted the new purse - but I knew I couldn't dish out the money for it quite yet. What would've happened if I had kept that purse on my mind all those months? Posted a bunch of status' on my Fb about how much I wanted it... Put pictures of it on my Instagram with the description: "ohmygoodness... Wouldn't this look aMaZiNg on my arm?!" Maybe even bought a cheaper purse I didn't like half as much?! (but my goodness, anything would be better than what I've got!) I guarantee you I would have been miserable. It would've consumed my mind. 

What does a purse have to do with being single? (besides the fact that your purse might show your future husband what kinda taste you have... Jk!)

My desire for that purse can be relatable to my desire for a husband. The more you place your focus on that handsome man you want instead of what God's sovereign plan for you is, the more discontent you will grow. God's desire for us is not to focus on a man we don't have yet, just like God's desire was not for me to focus on a purse I didn't need... Even though the purse or a husband can be good things.

 "Thou wilt keep Him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because He trusteth in thee." -Isaiah 26:3 KJV 

What's your mind staying on? If it's not stayed on Jesus, you won't have peace. It's a promise from the God of this universe that if you FOCUS on the Lord and keep your eyes on Him you will be content. Don't have peace right now? What's your mind been on?

Oh, by the way, I did get that purse this week. And by God's grace, because I waited and prayed for God's will to be done with it, I got it at a great price! I'm so glad I waited and didn't buy it full price! God has a plan... From the little things in our life, to the big things. His desire is for us to be content and follow Him step by step.

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." -Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV

"A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps." Proverbs 16:9 KJV 

Want to know what's so interesting to me about that last verse? He said he'd direct our steps. He didn't promise us He'd let us see the whole pathway... Follow the Lord step by step. Marriage might be 2-3 steps ahead! Focus on your next step. School? Ministry? Learning something from the Lord? Maybe contentment is that next step. And it's a step I'm still learning to take.

  • NEXT POST: What Are You Doing? Part 1: What are you doing with your life? 

Psalm 37:4 KJV

"Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart." 

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